Covalent Bounding

                                        Covalent Bounding

 In a Polar Covalent Bond the sharing of the electron par is unequal. When the electrons are spending more time around the

nonmetallic atom thats when it forms a polar covalent bound. The ability of an atom to attract electrons in the presense of

another atom is a measurable property called electronegativity. The result of this pattern of unequal electron assocition is a

charge separation in the molecule, where one part of the molecule, the oxygen, has a parital negative charge and the

Hydrogen have a partial postive charge.


 Covalent bonds are forces that hold together. Some of the forces are formed when the atoms of a molecule share electrons.

           1)Having covalent bonds representing a chemical potential energy that can be used is

             boilogical reactions.

           2)The angles formed between covalently bonded atoms are specific and defined. This

             meas that biological molecules formed with covalent bonds have definite and predicable


         3) In biological systems, covalent bonds are called strong bonds. This means that they are

            not normally broken under

            biological conditions unless by enzymic catalysis. This is in opposition to weak bonds like

           hydrogen and ionic bonds which are easily broken under normal boilogical conditions

           temperature and pressure.

        4) In  biological systems, covalent bonds are called strong bonds. This means that they are

           not normal biological conditions unless by enzymic catalysis.

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